Strategi Solutions Group Ltd

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Strategi Creative

Strategi Learning

A galloping new brand for one of the nation’s favourite racecourses

The Challenge

One of the most visited racecourses in England, Uttoxeter was tired, dull, and in need of a refreshed identity to ensure that they remained a desirable, popular place for people to visit.

Our Approach

Firstly, considering fonts, colours, styles and photography that was appropriate, working as an extension of the marketing team we refreshed all assets, both internal and external, and produced numerous campaigns to promote specific events. The racecourse quickly became the most attractive to visit with our support (we think anyway!).

The Result

The refreshed look was launched ahead of the busiest season in horse racing – campaigns were developed with marketing ambitions in mind, with assets produced to capture the hearts and minds of their target audience. The organisation saw a new target audience visiting the racecourse, with events more attractive than ever before.

People lapped up the new, refreshed look, flooding to attend events.

“The team got under the skin of the Racecourse to breathe new life in to the brand. The design developed has given Uttoxeter an icon to work with that is totally unique to our venue and racecourse.”

Hayley Plimley, Marketing Manager

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